Nevada Corporation

What is a Nevada Corporation?

Nevada Corporation or Nevada INC, is a business formation registered with the Nevada Secretary of State. The Nevada Corporation will be able to issue shares of stocks to employees and investors, unlike an LLC in Nevada.

Nevada Corporation Requirements

  1. State Filing Fee of $75+.
  2. A Registered Agent located in Nevada. See our service here.
  3. Articles of Incorporation.
  4. Beneficial Ownership Information Report filing. Your report must be submitted after company formation starting January 1, 2024.

Nevada Corporation Structure

NV Corporations are structured legally with the Nevada Articles of Incorporation. Like many states, the document for a Corporation formation is short and simple.

The required information to be listed:

  • Name
  • Registered Agent
  • Stock
  • Board of Directors
  • Purpose
  • Incorporator
  • Officer List


A name for a Nevada Corporation must be distinguishable from another entity formed in Nevada. If you are going to use a living person’s name as the name of a Nevada Corporation, you must include the word “Incorporated”, “Inc.”, “Limited”, “Ltd.”, “Company”, “Co.”, “Corporation” or “Corp” at the end.

Registered Agent

The name and address for a Registered Agent in Nevada must be provided. The Nevada Registered Agent will accept any service of process for your NV Corp.


You will be required to list how many shares have par value and what that value is. You can also list how many shares are available at no par value.

Board of Directors

The names and addresses of the Board of Directors/Trustees will be included with the Articles of Incorporation.


The purpose of the Corporation will be disclosed is the Corporation elects to be a Benefit Corporation.


The Incorporator will sign the document and provide an address. It is a felony to falsify or forge the Nevada Articles of Incorporation.

Officer List

The name, address and title of the Officers for the Nevada Corporation will be listed.

Nevada Incorporation Facts
The Form to File Articles of Incorporation
The Filing Fee $775 minimum (includes one-day processing) + 2.5% state credit card processing fee
The Agency Nevada Secretary of State
Our Price $940 (includes registered agent)
Additional Filing Initial List of Officers ($150)
Additional Filing Due Within 30 Days of Incorporation
Online Filing Yes
Statement of Information Due Date Anniversary Date ($125)
Annual Business Privilege Tax $500
Note that if paying any filing via credit card, the state applies a 2.5% processing fee. 

How to File a Nevada Corporation

Steps to Setting Up Your Nevada Corporation:

  1. Nevada Corporation Name: Before filing a Nevada incorporation, you must select a name for the corporation that both conforms to state law and is not currently in use by another business entity.
  2. Articles of Incorporation: Pursuant to NRS Chapter 78, to form a corporation you file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. Nevada charges a filing fee based upon the value of the total number of authorized shares. The lowest possible fee is $75.
  3. Registered Agent: A Nevada registered agent must be appointed on the Articles in order to process a Nevada incorporation. The agent is required to consent to the designation. Agents accept service of process and certified business mail on the behalf of clients.
  4. Initial List of Officers: In accordance with NRS 78.150, within 30 days of completing a Nevada incorporation, the company must file an initial list of officers with the Secretary of State. This list is filed annually, and there is a $150 filing fee.
  5. Corporate Bylaws: Bylaws are what outline the ownership of the corporation and the management of the company. The rights and responsibilities of shareholders, directors and officers are detailed in the bylaws, as well as managerial issues, such as when annual meetings will be held and meeting procedures.
  6. Business Accounts: After you form a corporation, you will need to open business bank accounts. Though every bank will have its own criteria for opening accounts, most require copies of both the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws.
  7. Statement of Information: Each year, corporations file a Statement of Information and pay the $125 filing fee. In other states, this is known as an Annual Report.
  8. Submit Beneficial Ownership Information Report: You must a file a BOI report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network after formation, starting January 1, 2024. The BOI report is free to file and must be submitted online.

How Do I Calculate My Initial Filing Fee to Form a Nevada Corporation?

The filing fee associated with the Articles of Incorporation are based upon the value of the total number of authorized shares, as prescribed by NRS 78.760.

The total value of the authorized shares is calculated by doing the following:

  • For shares with par value: multiply number of shares by their par value
  • For shares without par value: multiply number of shares by $1
  • If you have both: perform calculations above and add together
$75,000 or less $75
$75,001 to $200,000 $175
$200,001 to $500,000 $275
$500,001 to $1,000,000 $375
Above $1,000,000
First $1,000,000 $375
Each additional $500,000 (or fraction of) $275
Max Fee $35,000

Is There an Initial Report in Nevada?

Yes. When you form a corporation, you are required to file an initial list of officers within 30 days of the Nevada incorporation. There is a $150 fee with the filing. Corporations filing after the 30 day window will be fined $75. Until the list is filed and all fees paid, the corporation will be listed as inactive by the Secretary of State.

Nevada Registered Agent

A Nevada registered agent must be designated in order to process a Nevada incorporation. The registered agent maintains a physical street address, known as a registered office, within the state. At this office, the agent accepts service of process and certified business mail on behalf of clients. This office must be kept open during regular business hours year round.

Corporate Bylaws

Bylaws are what outline the ownership and management of a corporation. When you form a corporation, bylaws are where you will designate the initial shareholders, directors, officers, and their rights and responsibilities. The allocations of profits and losses, the voting rights of shareholders, and the management structure are addressed. Also included is the time and procedure for annual meetings. Without well-written bylaws, a corporation will lose valuable time and energy trying to manage the company on the fly.

Nevada Corporation Annual Report and Taxes

After a Nevada incorporation is complete, corporations must file a Statement of Information each year on their anniversary date. The SI fee is $125.

Corporations must also pay a Business Privilege Tax of $500 annually. There is no state corporate tax.

Federal Beneficial Ownership Information Report Filing

Starting January 1, 2024, most newly-formed corporations are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) following company formation. On your report, you’ll need to disclose some basic details about your company and those with the most control over your corporation’s profits and operations. Save yourself from the additional paperwork with our $25 BOI report filing service.

Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Nevada Corporation?

Starting your Corporation in Nevada shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make starting a Corporation in Nevada super easy.

Hire us and relax while our filing experts form your new Nevada Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Nevada Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.

Start your Corporation in Nevada and get Registered Agent service for as low as $55 a year.