Maryland LLC

What is a Maryland LLC?

A Maryland LLC is formed by filing Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State and paying the appropriate filing fee. A Maryland LLC is governed by its Operating Agreement, which is written and agreed upon by its members, and which lays out the management structure of the company. Each member offers a capital contribution in return for an ownership percentage.

Learn more below about the structure of a Maryland LLC and how one is formed.

Maryland LLC Requirements

  1. Maryland Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization.
  2. State Filing Fee of $100.
  3. A Registered Agent located in Maryland. See our service here.
  4. Beneficial Ownership Information Report filing. Your report must be submitted after company formation starting January 1, 2024.

Maryland LLC Structure

MD Limited Liability Companies are structured legally with the Maryland Articles of Organization for a Limited Liability Company. Like many states, the document for an LLC is short and simple.

The required information to be listed:

  • Name
  • Purpose
  • Address
  • Resident Agent


The name of a Maryland LLC must in itself be indistinguishable from all other Maryland LLCs, Corporations and other Maryland business entities. The LLC must include one of the following in it’s name:

  1. L C
  2. L.L.C.
  3. L.C.
  4. LLC
  5. L.L.C.


The purpose of the Maryland LLC will be listed on the formation paperwork. One or two sentences directly explaining the nature of business performed is acceptable.


Record the address of the LLC in Maryland on the official request.

Resident Agent

The name and address of the Resident Agent hired to perform service for the LLC is a requirement.

Maryland LLC Facts
Formation Document Articles of Organization
Filing Fee $105
Filing Agency Department of Assessments and Taxation
Our Total Fee $250 (includes resident agent service)
Expedite $50
Online Filing Yes
Annual Personal Property Tax Due April 15
PPT Charge $300

How to File a Maryland LLC

Steps in forming a Maryland LLC:

  1. Choose Your Maryland LLC Name: Choosing a name for your business is pretty straightforward, but you will need to be sure your selection conforms to state law. Your company name must include one of the following designators: Limited Liability Company, L.L.C., LLC, L.C., or LC. The name you choose cannot already be on file with the State.
  2. Submit Articles of Organization: To form an LLC you must submit Articles of Organization to the Department of Assessments and Taxation. There is a $100 filing fee (plus a credit card processing fee). This document can be filed online or delivered by mail, fax or in-person.
  3. Designate a Resident Agent: All entities are required by law to appoint a resident agent to accept service of process and other official business mail on behalf of the company. This individual or service must have a physical office location within the State where certified mail can be reliably delivered throughout the year.
  4. Draft an Operating Agreement: An Operating Agreement is the governing document of your limited liability company. It outlines the ownership of your business, the initial members and their initial contributions. It also details the management structure of your LLC. This is the blueprint for how your business will operate.
  5. Open Bank Accounts: Your new company will need bank accounts of its own to process monetary transactions. Every bank maintains its own set of criteria for opening accounts. You will need to contact a local branch to discover what is required. Most banks will ask for copies of your Articles, Operating Agreement, and an initial resolution authorizing the opening of accounts.
  6. Pay Annual Personal Property Tax: LLCs are automatically registered by the Department of Assessments and Taxation for the Annual Personal Property Tax. This must be filed and paid each year. The fee is based upon the value of business property within the State. The filing deadline is April 15, and the charge is $300 ($309 if paying by credit card).
  7. Beneficial Ownership Information Report: You must a file a BOI report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network after formation, starting January 1, 2024. The BOI report is free to file and must be submitted online.

Can I List an Out-of-State Address on My Articles?

No. Your LLC address must be a local, in-state location, both for your business and for your resident agent.

Can I Submit a Handwritten Copy of My Articles?

No. Documents are required by the DAT to be either typed or printed. Handwritten copies will be rejected.

Maryland Resident Agent Required Duties

A Maryland resident agent is required to fulfill various duties. They must have and maintain a registered office within the State. This office has to be a physical location, not a post office box, where certified mail can be readily delivered during regular business hours throughout the year. An agent must accept service of process and official notifications on behalf of clients. When documents are accepted, the client must be contacted, and the documents should be forwarded to the client as quickly as possible.

The DAT will use the registered office as the main point of contact for official notifications, such as Annual PPT reminders. To remain compliant with state law, it is critical to have a dependable resident agent.

What Happens If I Don’t File a Personal Property Tax Return?

Failure to properly submit a PPT each year will result in your company forfeiting its right to conduct business in Maryland. A fine will also be assessed.

An initial penalty of 1/10 of one percent of the county property assessment will be charged, plus interest at the rate of two percent of the initial penalty amount for each 30 days the PPT return is late. Continued failure to file will result in an assessment of twice the value of the property owned.

Maryland LLC Annual Maintenance

Each year after you form a Maryland LLC, you are required to submit a PPT. You must file a Form 1 to the DAT and pay the proper fee. The deadline for the filing is April 15. LLCs are assessed a $300 charge.

Federal Beneficial Ownership Information Report Filing

As a newly-formed LLC, you’ll probably need to submit a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The BOI report provides the federal government with basic information about your LLC and the people with the most power over your business decisions and profits. Starting January 1, 2024, this report is due following company formation. This report is a little complicated, but we can make filing painless with our $25 BOI report filing service.

Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Maryland LLC?

Starting your LLC in Maryland shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make starting an LLC in Maryland super easy.

Hire us and relax while our filing experts form your new Maryland LLC. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of Registered Agent service and ensure your Maryland LLC comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.

Start your LLC in Maryland and get Registered Agent service for as low as $55 a year.