Colorado Corporation

What is a Colorado Corporation?

A Colorado Corporation is a business formation that can be formed by one or more people by filing the formation paperwork with the Colorado Business Programs Division. The Colorado Corporation will be used for various business purposes. Financial transactions, corporation ownership distribution and public offerings are a few examples. There are a few requirements to operate and form a Corporation in Colorado legally.

Colorado Corporation Requirements

  1. State Filing Fee of $50.
  2. A Registered Agent located in Colorado. See our service here.
  3. Periodic Reporting.
  4. Beneficial Ownership Information Report filing. Report due after company formation starting January 1, 2024.

Colorado Corporation Structure

CO Corporations are structured legally with the Colorado Articles of Incorporation. Like many states, the document for a Corporation formation is short and simple.

The required information to be listed:

  • Corporation Name
  • Addresses
  • Registered Agent
  • Purpose
  • Incorporator
  • Stock

Colorado Corporation Name

Colorado state law C.R.S. § 7-90-601 designates that a corporation name must include one of the following words or abbreviations: Corporation, Incorporated, Limited, Company, Corp., Inc., Co., or Ltd.


A Principal Office address will be listed on the Articles of Incorporation. This specified address can be in the state of Colorado or in another state. You can even list an address for the Principal Office that is in another country. A Mailing Office address can also be listed, it is just an option.

Colorado Registered Agent

A Colorado registered agent must maintain a physical street address (not a PO box) known as a registered office. This is where service of process (notification of a lawsuit) and other business mail will be sent. The primary duty of a registered agent is to accept documents on behalf of clients, contact clients when documents arrive, and forward all documents to clients in a timely manner.


A purpose statement for the Colorado Corporation is a requirement.


The true name, whether it be a natural living person or a business entity, will be listed along with the mailing address associated with that name. More than one incorporator can be listed through an attachment.


The number of common shares of stock will be listed on the online application to open a new Colorado Corporation. If you need to declare more than one class of stock, you will upload the information later in the application process.

Colorado Incorporation Facts
Formation Document Articles of Incorporation
The Filing Fee $50
Agency to File With Colorado Secretary of State
Our Total Fee $195 (includes registered agent)
Online Filing Yes (no paper filing)
Periodic Report Due Varies
Periodic Report Fee $10

How to File a Colorado Corporation

Steps in forming a Colorado Corporation:

  1. Corporation Name: When selecting a name for your Colorado Corporation, it must conform to the standards of Colorado state law. It cannot currently be registered and in use. To find out if your corporation’s name is already in use, you can conduct a Colorado business name search, or, when you file your formation document online, the Secretary of State system will automatically check the availability of your name.
  2. Articles of Incorporation: To incorporate in Colorado, you must file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. This can only be filed online through the SOS website. There is a $50 filing fee.
  3. Colorado Registered Agent: When you form a corporation, you must appoint a Colorado registered agent. A registered agent is designated to accept service of process and official business mail on behalf of clients. A registered agent must have a registered office: a physical street location within the state where service of process will be hand-delivered.
  4. Bylaws: Corporate bylaws are the governing document of your corporation. They set out to achieve two goals: detail the ownership of your company, and outline how your business operates. Bylaws describe who the initial shareholders are, as well as their rights and responsibilities, and the initial directors and officers of the company. Bylaws also address management structure, meeting procedures, and issues such as buying/selling stock and how to make amendments.
  5. Business Accounts: Once you incorporate in Colorado, you will need business accounts for your corporation. It is from these accounts that your company will make purchases, pay employees, and take in payments for products and services. Bank accounts must be opened in person.
  6. Periodic Report: After you form a corporation, you will be required to file a Periodic Report each year and pay the $10 filing fee. The periodic report must be filing during your company’s periodic reporting period, which begins on the first day of your anniversary month and extends for three months (a business formed January 15 will have a reporting period between January 1 and March 31). Periodic reports are filed online.
  7. Beneficial Ownership Information Report. You must a file a BOI report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network after formation, starting January 1, 2024. The BOI report is free to file and must be submitted online.

Additional Resources: 
How to Start a Colorado Corporation
How to Form a Colorado Corporation

Is There an Expedite Option for Articles of Incorporation?

No. You must file Articles of Incorporation online, so there is no expedite filing option. However, online filings are processed immediately.

Periodic Report and Colorado Corporation Taxes

After a Colorado incorporation is complete, your company will be required to file a Periodic Report each year and pay the $10 filing fee. Periodic Reports are filed online. The reporting period begins on the first day of your company’s anniversary month and extends for three months. If your company was incorporated on June 10, then your reporting period is from June 1 to August 31.

There is a $50 late fee if you file outside of your periodic reporting period.

The corporate tax rate in Colorado is 4.63%. There is a state sales tax of 2.9%, and a state income tax rate of 4.3%.

Federal Beneficial Ownership Information Report Filing

Starting January 1, 2024, most newly-formed corporations are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) following company formation. On your report, you’ll need to disclose some basic details about your company and those with the most control over your corporation’s profits and operations. Save yourself from the additional paperwork with our $25 BOI report filing service.

Why Hire Corporate Filing Solutions to Form Your Colorado Corporation?

Starting your Corporation in Colorado shouldn’t be a hassle or a time consumer. That’s why we offer Filings Made Easy™ to make starting a Corporation in Colorado super easy.

Hire us and relax while our filing experts form your new Colorado Corporation. Our staff will process orders the same business day as they are received. To make things even easier, we bundle the first year of registered agent service and ensure your Colorado Corporation comes fully equipped and ready to do its job.

Start your Corporation in Colorado and get Registered Agent service for as low as $55 a year.